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June Garden Maintenance Tips


Now that June has arrived the garden is fully of life. Below are a few June Garden maintenance tips to help your garden stay its best.

  1. As soon as blooms fade on early flowering herbaceous perennials cut off spent flower stems this helps to prolong the flowering period of some plants
  2. Plant half hardy annuals raised under glass as soon as possible
  3. Thin biennials and perennials sown in the open to create room for the plants to develop, and replant in a nursery bed
  4. Lift bulbs from spring bedding schemes as soon as possible
  5. Cut back old flowering stems of alpine phlox, aubrietas and other trailing plants to keep them trim and avoid seeding
  6. Complete planting of aquatics and alpines as soon as possible to give them a good season of growth
  7. Water borders in an evening
  8. Keep hedges clipped, try not to leave too much time between clipping to encourage a thick and healthy hedge
  9. Dampen floors and benches in greenhouses on warm summer days to prevent the air from becoming unduly dry
  10. Hoe borders regularly to keep on top of weeds, and on hot days leave dug up weeds on the soil surface to rot down